There are a number of good bank research efforts that indicate government capital injection and guarantee programs implemented as a…
March 19, 2013 CFTC Commissioner Scott O’Malia says regulators remain undermanned when it comes to data. Whale missing in the…
March 18, 2013 Companies are keeping cash in bank deposits as capital preservation is king.Corporates have been slow to move…
March 15, 2013 While they’re supposed to be converging, IFRS and GAAP still differ in their treatment of CVAs. Multinationals…
March 15, 2013 By Geralyn Frances Using virtual card accounts for B2B settlements offers benefits for customers and suppliers. Looking…
March 15, 2013 By John Hintze By widening the financial transaction tax net, governments set up a choice between the…
The Future(s) of Swaps March 15, 2013 By Dwight Cass Will corporates make the move to exchange-traded swaps? Most major…
March 15, 2013 By Joseph Neu Not to be lost among the Exposure Drafts the FASB has recently released on…
March 14, 2013 A survey of European investment managers shows many will abandon MMFs if funds are forced to float…
March 13, 2013 A brief look at the issues on International Treasurer’s radar screen this week.A couple of topics came…