Peer Insight: T30-2 Fall 2011 Meeting

December 09, 2011

Continued High Pressure

T30 LogoGetting the Job Done Amid Uncertainty 

The Treasurers’ Group of Thirty-2 held its second meeting in October. Despite the persistent economic challenges in global markets, members saw some successes with recent credit facilities with attractive pricing despite the risks associated with the ongoing European debt crisis. Topics included:

1) The New Realities of Credit and Counterparty Risk Assessment. Continued importance of financial and non-financial counterparty risk assessment.

Key Takeaway: Members remain attuned to the risks associated with bank and sovereign downgrades and monitoring them with monthly testing.

2) Developing a Robust Talent Management Program. Comprehensive, corporate-wide talent management programs are critical in providing tools for recruitment, retention and compensation.

Key Takeaway: A successful talent management program should provide open communication, training and development for employees.

3) Solving the Trapped Cash Problem. There are ways to globally consolidate cash and make it work for the entire organization.

Key Takeaway: Work with tax and accounting to ensure a robust, compliant pooling structure that’s efficient and allows cash to work globally.

4) Sovereign Decline and the New Frontier. Economic challenges persist as Europe struggles through a debt crisis.

Key Takeaway: More storm clouds ahead. Europe’s solutions to various debt crises will weigh heavy on the US and global markets.

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