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Will Europe Steal Christmas?
The eurozone is in trouble and treasurers must be prepared for any and all fallout.
The Collateral Shortage and Corporates
A global collateral shortage is both a threat and an opportunity for treasurers
Peer Insight: T30-2 Fall 2011 Meeting
At its October meeting the T30-2 discussed: 1) The New Realities of Credit and Counterparty Risk Assessment; 2) Developing a Robust Talent Management Program; 3) Solving the Trapped Cash Problem; and 4) Sovereign Decline and the New Frontier.
Onshoring: Does It Make Sense for Treasury?
Economic woes and other factors are prompting companies to move manufacturing back onshore. Should treasury follow suit?
Investment Portals for One-Stop Shopping
Treasuries are using investment portals like Citi OLI as companies centralize global investment activities and interest in money market funds increases.
Accounting and Regulation: Big Four Face Breakup in EU
The EC proposes splitting up accounting giants in wake of multiple scandals.
Investment Management: Hidden Social Faux Pas Can Sink Investments, Reputation
Knowing a company’s ESG makes knowing its SLY so yesterday.
Risk Management: Euro Break Up Risk Entering Realm of Possible
Nomura report shakes up investors with the what-ifs of a euro break up.