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Syndicated Loan Market is on a Roll
Downward pricing trends and supportive banks are creating a favorable environment for syndicated loans.
Leveraging Treasury Advisory Role in Developing Human Capital
Treasury recruitment, compensation and staff development have been big topics of discussion for treasurers recently.
Questions to Ask Your External Cash Manager
In a post-crisis world of low yields and new products promising great returns, the smart cash manager asks a lot of questions.
Peer Insight: TIMPG Spring 2010 Meeting
The spring meeting of the TIMPG focused on numerous topics, including 1) External Manager Performance Review; 2) Up and down rate environment; 3) Analytical Tools; and 4) Managing portfolio risk.
Rethink Rolling those Remeasurement Hedges
By aligning the remeasurement hedging program with currency conversion requirements, treasury can reap benefits.
A Hire Sign?
A recent survey of The NeuGroup’s bank treasurers showed a small but significant minority had added headcount recently, and none had lost FTEs.
Time to Tap Export Credit Agencies?
Export Credit Agencies (ECAs) have been around for a long time, but they are not as well utilized by the treasury community as they could be.
Are Corporate Treasurers Leaving Too Much Money on the Table?
A rush of corporate funding, even at record low rates, begs the question.
US Firms Lag in Risk Oversight
Despite the economic crisis most US companies say they still have “immature” risk oversight vs. global firms: survey.
Will New Swap Rules Trip on Trade Repositories?
Data collection and sharing could be a stumbling block as a transatlantic army of regulators harmonize derivatives reform rules.