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Making Spreadsheets for FX Multidimensional
September 15, 2014 By Hilary KabakSpreadsheets are effective, but sometimes they need more dimension...
Incorporating Disaster Risk into Financials
September 15, 2014 By John Hintze Companies are thinking more about how weather is affecting their b...
The Hadrian Hedge and the ‘95 Yen
September 15, 2014 By Ted Howard Scottish Independence is making hedging the pound expensive. A powe...
Are the Ties That Bind Banks Too Tight?
September 15, 2014 By John Hintze Trepp finds interconnectedness makes some banks riskier. Big ban...
The Risk & Reporting System Challenge
September 15, 2014 By Ted Howard In this month’s issue, NeuGroup Peer Leader Barb Shegog explores ...
System Workarounds When “Good” Isn’t Good Enough
September 15, 2014 By Barb Shegog Investment managers’ lament: there are no good systems for risk ...
Playing it Safe with Hedge Accounting
September 12, 2014 Most companies only use derivatives that qualify for hedge accounting, but in so...
CRE Refinancings Could Point to Rate Rise
September 12, 2014 Defeasance jump points to healthier CRE market but also to rising rates. August s...
Treasury after Tragedy
September 11, 2014 After 9/11 businesses may have been tempted to retrench. But they didn’t. Just ...
Smoothing the Way for an Effective Supply Chain
September 10, 2014 Automating the supply chain using the latest tech can bring greater visibility an...
Caledonia Chaos Restricted to FX: Markit
September 09, 2014 So far it’s only FX getting buffeted by the Scottish Independence vote and the ...
DTCC to Propose Repo Fire Sale Solution
September 09, 2014 The tri-party repurchase agreement market has undergonesignificant reform, and sh...