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Regulatory Watch: When it Comes to Dodd-Frank, Who Needs Deadlines?
January 04, 2012 By the end of 2011 regulators had missed a big chunk of their deadlines on Dodd-...
Risk Management: Dealing with Lingering Euro-Disintegration Fears
January 03, 2012 Deloitte and ACT publish treasury guide to euro breakup contingency planning. Prosp...
Treasury and Taxation: Fat Chance for Fatca?
December 30, 2011 The world has awoken to the burden of the US’s coming Fatca requirements; the IR...
Regulatory Watch: China Looks to West on Regs
December 29, 2011 China’s looking to emulate Western financial regs; but it’s also trying to inf...
China: Don’t Let Your Mind Yuan-der
November 17, 2005 When China de-linked its currency from the US dollar back in July (see IT, August...
Capital Markets: With China-Japan FX Deal, One More Step for Yuan
December 27, 2011 China and Japan FX deal will help globalize RMB and help MNCs better manage curren...
Capital Markets: RMB Pay Volumes Back on Track
December 23, 2011 SWIFT reports RMB payments volumes resumed growth after two months of decline. T...
Developing Issues: IFRS and Dodd-Frank Update; Country Checklist
December 22, 2011 What’s on International Treasurer’s radar screen this week. The European sov...
Banking Relations: Fed (Lightly) Tightens Screws on Banks
Banking Relations: Fed (Lightly) Tightens Screws on Banks December 21, 2011 Fed releases its much aw...
Capital Markets: Is Your Redenomination Risk Covered?
December 20, 2011 The threat of a eurozone split has eased lately; nonetheless, treasurers should be...
Capital Markets: Spreading the Collateral Load
December 19, 2011 ISDA, others advocate for two-way CSAs for deals between dealers and European sove...
Cash and Working Capital: New Regs Changing Landscape for Trade Finance
December 16, 2011 Basel III is making it less profitable for banks to engage in SCF; but non-banks a...