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Banking Relations: S&P: Asia-Pacific Banks’ Credit Growth to Slow
March 29, 2012 After three “stable” years that allowed them to keep lending, economic growth and...
Treasury Management: Picking Banks Will Require Higher Levels of Choosy
March 30, 2012 Regs and the debt crisis have made choosing the right bank partner more difficult. ...
Banking Relations: Bankers Expect Lull in Wake of Record Debt Issuance
April 02, 2012 First quarter breaks US junk and investment-grade issuance records. Thomson-Reuter...
Capital Markets: Europe’s Bankers and Borrowers Getting Standoffish
April 03, 2012 Survey says Basel III forcing banks to more carefully size-up borrowers; but for borr...
Taking a Breather from the Euro Crisis?
April 06, 2012 By Joseph Neu Many large European banks are breathing easier now thanks to the Europe...
Bank Ratings’ Drift to BBBs to Have a Long-term Impact
April 06, 2012 By Lance Pan, Capital Advisors Recent bank ratings changes are more than indicative o...
Treasury Management: Report: Apocalypse for Energy if Volcker Implemented
April 06, 2012 Taxpayer-backed banks must continue prop trading or energy will become exorbitant. ...
Regional Treasury: China’s Markets Want You
April 16, 2012 The government and regulators look to increase investment and competition in China. ...
Treasury Management: To Be SWIFT, Think Slowly
April 18, 2012 Adopting SWIFT is hardly an automatic decision; those thinking of adopting should do ...
Banking Relations: Global Banks Still in the Weeds
May 09, 2012 From threatened downgrades to the euro debt crisis to capital/liquidity requirements, g...
Regional Treasury: Treasurers Face Investment Challenges in Asia
May 11, 2012 Managing excess liquidity in Asia can be a challenge but companies and banks are start...
Regulatory Watch: Fitch: Basel 3 Means ROE Hit for Banks
May 17, 2012 Fitch report shows Basel 3 capital requirements will reduce banks’ return on equity b...