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FX Hedge Accounting: Balancing Complexity and Flexibility
May 04, 2015 Finding the right balance in a hedge program can be challenging. Will critical terms ma...
Detecting the Sounds of Embedded Derivatives
May 01, 2015 Fundtech white paper sheds light on how receivables hubs capture embedded derivatives n...
Reshoring Could Help Treasury
May 01, 2015 Foreign investment boosts reshoring as offshoring continues to slow. The increase in ne...
Short-Term MMFs Could Be Liquidity Challenged
April 28, 2015 MMF companies offering very-short term funds could face challenges finding assets, yi...
Is Supply Chain Finance Worth the Effort?
April 28, 2015 Supply chain finance (SCF) programs get a lot of airtime, but according to a recent ...
Diversifying Not Just the Portfolio
April 24, 2015 Many companies look to use a wide variety of firms in a transaction; but they make su...
Managing Cash in Europe
April 23, 2015 Cash is the focus for treasurers of MNCs in Europe. Visibility, mobilization and opti...
New Regulations Will Force Managers to Get Creative
April 23, 2015 By Barb Shegog New regulations will force companies to look for new ways to manage th...
CFTC Commish Voices Swap Concerns
April 23, 2015 CFTC’s Giancarlo lists slew of commercial end-user swap concerns. Swap rules’ imp...
Looking at Liquidity Management Like a Banker
April 23, 2015 By Joseph Neu How do you get more treasurers on the non-financial end of the corporat...
Effective Tools for Liquidity Management
April 23, 2015 By Bryan Richardson In-house banks and supply chain finance can refine corporate liqu...
The Changing Global Tax Landscape
April 23, 2015 By Geri Westphal Audit intensity is likely to increase as global tax authorities look...